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20 good habits that can help you stay healthy | health routine tips

             Good health tips (GHT)

Hello friends welcome to health tips today I coming a very important and important topic in this article todays I tell you how to get good health tips (GHT).
In busy life human are not care yourself properly. Today I discussed about this topic.

20 good habits that can help you stay healthy | health routine tips
Good health routine tips.

Good health. Good health is a very important for human when humans have a good health then life is beautiful and enjoying so what types you make your life healthy and beautiful good health tips.

Life style is a very important in human life when you a make yourself good and healthy more ways you are do more exercise to healthy life enjoy.

Nutritions That's are actually very important I give you some good health  27 tips you can apply in your life.

  1. Don't drink sugar calories
  2. Eat  nuts
  3. Avoid processed junk good 
  4. Don't fear coffee
  5. Eat fatty fish
  6. Get enough sleep
  7. Take care of your gut health with probiotics and fiber
  8. Drink some water especially before meals
  9. Don't over cook or burn meat
  10. Avoid bright light before sleep
  11. Take vitamins D3 if you don't get much sun
  12. Eat vegetables or fruits
  13. Make sure to eat enough protein
  14. Do some cardio and just walk more
  15. Don't smoke or do drugs and only drink in moderation
  16. Use extra virgin olive oil
  17. Minimiz in take of added sugar
  18. Don't eat a lots of refind carbohydrates
  19. Don't fear saturated fat
  20. Lift heavy things
  21. Avoid artificial trans fats
  22. Use planty of herbs and spices
  23. Take care of your relationships
  24. Trak your food intake every now and than
  25. If you have excess bell fat get ride of it
  26. Don't go on a diet
  27. Eat egg and don't throw away the yolk

Do not smoking .

When you are long time smoking many problems are face you .
When you are smoking a long time damage you liver and eyes and etc.
So Stop smoking do control your smoking habits 

Do more exercise.

When you make a physical healthy make life you are do exercise.
You are joining a gym .
Exercise are very important for good health.
Without exercise your body are lazy and feel illness so you do more exercise in the morning.
And get up early in the morning make your habits.

So this is a 27 tips you can apply in your life daily rooting . I hope you can understand . Good health is very important in we life . Because I know that in streese life you have no more time to take care you. So friends first of all you take your  health and after any thing do . Because friends and second things you do not use phone more time because eyes problem and brain problem because scintifisc prove any person espand time with phone your brain damage and your brain week especially do not use phone in night .

And third one is no eat junk food any time because madimax time you can eat junk food in your body creat some problems like (hair loss, stomach pain,skin problems,etc) this tyes of problems you are face in your body so friends take care .
Last things friends please follow this tips in point I get feel so happy .

Eat Apple every day

Eat apple . Apple is a good for health and doctor are saying apply are eat every day eat then you went to free ills
So you are take a good diet and 1 apple should you eat every day .

Apple in a more effective and benefits fruits.
In apple are more protein and fibre are present.
So you are every morning you are eat Apple and add in your diet .
Apple is good fruits for good health and make all minerals are completely.
Compalsary you are eat Apple every day. Do good health.

Drinking more water

You are driving more water is  a good for health.

Drinking water is a good health when you drink in the morning everyday you are make your body healthy and strong.

I recommend for all people you are drinking a more .

Without water human life can not survive.
Without water human being brain are not work properly.

So in Daly routine you drink more like 2-3 liter water every day you eat.


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