Benefits of eating egg ?
This is the best food for health egg test is very delicious .
Egg have a king of health egg is the best food for make easy and tasty
Egg have make many deses like boil egg , fry egg , and etc many deses are make with egg. Egg in more vitamins are aviavaila , more protein , so I suggest eat egg everday
Friends every day we eat two egg .
In the morning with milk because it's a very useful for body and after eat egg generated
energy .
Egg have two types like boil and fry so in boil is best option because boil egg in more protein because scientific prove boil egg is more benefits for health but fry is not benefits because after egg fry in egg distroy vitamins and minerals . So I suggest you eat boilegg.
So fry egg is only you eat like denar because fry egg not a more vitamins because after fry egg .
Egg in distroy vitamins and minerals . So is the benefits of egg but any way I suggest you Friends you well eat two egg every day egg make strong bones and fir body especially after gyming and experience you eat egg .
Because it's a very beneficial for your bones so friends I hope you can eat two egg every day in we life .
Good food make good health .