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Healthy Sleep Tips - health routine tips.


Hello friends welcome to health routine  tips today I coming very interesting topic when today I discussed why good sleep is very important for health and what happened when you take a good sleep so today discussed about sleep.

Good sleep is important for health
Good sleep is important for health

Sleep is a best process of human health fresh body .
When you are take a properly take a good sleep you are are fresh and good work . Recovering your brain work and fast new think idea.

What happens when your sleep not complete properly.?

When you are not sleeping proper in your body created some disease like increase your fat and eyes week and increase sugar level.
And many problems are created in your body like when you not take a sleep properly many different types of bones pain.
Some time are not take a sleep properly had pain and nee pain and etc are pains create in your body . So you are take a bed rest and sleep properly.

5 ways to good sleep:-

.1 before sleeping you drink more water.

When you are sleeping before drink more water because when you drink a water you have coming a good sleep then fresh and healthy sleep

Water are good for health benefits . When you are make a add in habits to drink water before sleep .

Water are help to slowly slowly sleep coming helps. 

So take a good sleep and make your mind fresh and good .

.2 do exercise before sleeping.

When some time you are not coming a sleep then you do exercise .

Exercise is a more benefits for your sleep 
When you do exercise your body are automatically sleep coming and you are immediately go to the bed and rest after sometime sleeping are coming.

You do a exercise every day because exercise is make your body fit and good .
Make your body good habits like get early in the morning.

So do exercise is good for sleep I recommend for your you are do exercise every day . 
As you wish what time you should like morning ya night do exercise best time.

.3 do not use mobile phone at night

When you go to sleep you are not use mobile phone at night because it's very danger for your health and your eyes .

When mobile phone are coming in humans life .human hare not care yourself and sleep late and face some disease problem.

So you do not use phone at night .some people are rest on bed and use mobile phone it's a totally bad habits and wrong with you .

Use late night mobile phone damage your eyes and increase augas levels.

When you use phone at night in your eyes under some time show ringcals .

You not use phone at night because it's very harmful because when you use phone at night then in phone upcoming blue ray are attack your eyes and damage your eyes and your health.

.4 how much time you sleep properly

Sleep are very important in human life you are take a properly take a sleep .
You know that humans beings are need sleep 6-7 hours need sleep time .

This limit are very need to sleep humans life when you are sleep 6-7 hours properly is good for health and make your mind fresh and healthy.

When you take a good sleep many problems are solved like free mind fresh and skin glow 

When you take a sleep properly your face are glowing and shing .

Sleep make your mind fresh and idea to give new thinks.

.5 before sleeping routine.for best sleep.

When before sleeping you do some tips like
  • Before sleeping you are eat good and healthy food .
  • Do not eat junk food.
  • Before sleeping you after dinner you go to work in the garden.
  • You should drink more water.
  • And before you go toilet to fresh .
  • After do all tips you get sleep and sweet dreams.
  • Good sleep make you face clean and glow and shine . 

So if you like all tips follow all tips and take a good sleep for good health and good skin.
Sleep is a very important parts in humans beings .
When you take a sleep good make your life healthy and beautiful .so take care and sleep properly at night.sometime you are sleeping in the evening it's a good for health.

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