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What causes scalp hair loss ?

        What causes scalp hair loss ?

Some people are very confused why hair loss many types of the reason to hair loss . And many types of doing treatment of hair using different types of product and medicine
So let's start.

 Hair loss in men and women may accur due to various reasons . However 
Most often hair loss in mails is due to

Hereditary androgenetic alopecia or mail pattern baldness or hormones dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

should be present in the genetically susceptible men for the aforementioned hair loss. In the same way, most women experience hair loss due to hereditary female pattern hair loss. 

Some other uncommon hair loss causes are easily reversible with treatments; these include hair loss due iron deficiency, thyroid problems, high fever, general anesthesia, surgery, childbirth, crash diets and certain medications.

Some dermatologic scalp disorders also lead to temporary or permanent hair loss. This type of hair loss may be due to lichen, lupus, alopecia areata and planopilaris.

Hair lose pattern

  1. In this image different types of pattern are shown in this figure in image show started hair lose different ways . So what reason hair lose this types many ways hair lose .
  2. Hair is the very important part in humans life
  3. Many ways hair lose problem are face .
  4. some time this problem face you eat a more time junk food .junk food is not a good for health.
  5. In busy life humans bean order a online food because you are shor to this food is healthy for your health .
  6. And hair lose problem one reason thinks that genatics problem. Like means in your family some bady hair lose problem face this reason . Effect on your hair .
  7. You do not use  comb for hair  lose person .
  8. Hair lose one reason face you like your digestive system is not good .
  9. Hair lose are you face like you do not care your hair .
  10. You do not clean your hair.
  11. You do not use oil in your hair 
  12. Oil is very important of your hair for example like you are watering in the plants . For good growth.and plants make own food with the help of sun .similiarly your hair need oil , sun rays , clean your hair . 
  13. Dandraf free your hair is very important because main reason of dandraff you do not use oil you scalp is dry and produce dandraf in your had.this main reason your hair lose.
  14. You take a sun rays because in sun rays vitamins d .
  15. Do washing your hair shampoo .but do not use shampoo every day. Because is shampoo some chemical are present.
  16. You clean your hair alovera . And you wash your hair with shampoo weak in 2 use.

Why hair lose every day .

  • Because in your hair weakness problem and you do not healthy food eats .

You are eat every day bad food .
  • You are take a wrong supplement for hair 
  • Do not use any supplement on your hair .
  • You know that friends in this generaigen are use more chemical on hair . It's very bad . 
  • Before some time BC YEAR old Time you not use this types of chemical . 
  • Before Old time are use natural materials..
  • Like 
  • gooseberry
  • Nuts
  • Gooseberry oil 
  • gooseberry eat for hair and healthy life 
  • Use natural oil on hair.
  • No use chemical .
  • Do not use shampoo.
  • Eat natural foods .
  • Eats apple 
  • Eats 
  • Nuts.
  • And not take a stress 
  • And do hard work .

What reason slowly hair lose 

  1. Do not smoking 
  2. Do not drinking 
  3. Do not eat tubeco.
  4. Do not take stress 
  5. Do not take a careful your self.
  6. You do not care about your self.
  7. If you do not ignore hair lose problem.
  8. Immediately action on your hair lose problem 
  9. You do not stress . 
  10. You are take care about your self.
  11. You are take advice for doctor 

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