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How to keep healthy and fresh mind .

   How to keep healthy fresh mind.

Hello friends today I come a very interested topic about how can you keep your mind fresh, healthy and sharp.
keep healthy fresh mind.

So many ways to keeps your mind fresh and keep easy steps to healthy your mind .

  • Staying physical active
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Not smoking
  • Eating a balance diet 
  • And bathing every day
  • Drink fresh juices
  • Good exercise every day in the morning
  • Not drinking bear
So this types of some routine ou can follow in your daily routine life .
You brain fresh mind
keep healthy fresh mind.

  • Get physical exercise 
  •  Improve your diet
  • Improve your blood pressure.
  • Improve your cholesterol 
  • Avoid smoking
This types of ways to control your brain and fresh your mind .

You can follow this point . Is much more benefits profit in your study and you can more sharp your mind and get easy to make sharp your mind and good health your

mind  and during you follow this steps you can care most important you are take a good diet like fruits and vegetables and eat fish and muttan because fish in  present omega 3 and fati acid to keep healthy and

keep healthy fresh mind.

 fresh and sharp your mind . Fish is a beat way of improve your good mind and fresh breain . And you can eat other food like you can eat eggs . Eggs in more protein and fati acid.

If you can more information about egg
Clikc this link.  👇
 More information.

Some time you mind not fresh how can I do your mind fresh and healthy.

keep healthy fresh mind.

You can go in garden and breath healthy fresh morning air and keep some realax your mind in the garden and you can enjoy in the garden and some time spent your time in the garden and you can Wolk in the garden with out wearing cliper and shoos because when you can Wolk without cliper in the garden green grass fresh your mind .

So I hope you like to this artical please shair and read and eapespecia shair this artical your friends and family.keep healthy fresh mind.

Which food eat to healthy fresh mind.

  • Nuts 
  • Fruits
  • Apple
  • Vegetables
  • Green vegetables
  • Corn
  • Orange
  • Bananas
  • Avla
  • Blue Barry
  • Figs

  •  Sleep

Sleep is a very important for fresh mind some time you are tired after work your body need to sleep . So sleep is a good for health. And after sleep your body realaz and fresh your mind .

  • Listning a Singing 

Some your tired and you feel boring so you can listen a song . Free time.
Listning a song is a very effective for fresh mind.

  •  Yoga

This is good for health you can concentrate in your yoga is a good for fresh mind you can do yoga. After yoga your body is relax atlist you do yoga 15 mint in your life and especially for students.

  •  Fresh mind

Fresh mind you are going to garden to fresh mind and feel fresh air breath fresh oxygen to good health for your health and feel very fresh and mind fresh

  • Namaz

Namaz is the best fresh your mind namaz is good for health and study namaz in Islam increase your brain power and good for health . Namaz is a gift of Allah 
Because how was study namaz his are free of illness and fresh mind and no bons pain
Your digestive system is good maintain you study a namaz . Namaz is a very powerful exercise in Islam.

keep healthy fresh mind.

I hope you like this article and apply in your life.good health good life maintain .


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