How to remove pimples:
Hello friends welcome to health tips today I coming very interesting topic on discussed.
How to remove pimples most of the in young edge pimples are coming on your face. And some time pimples marks are save on your face so this is very dirty for looking so today I well discussed your self many home made tips and tricks easly pimples problem solve and clean and clear face. And more healthy tips I give you today let's start today topic.
In this generation are very busy life and you have no time take yourself so this time your face are looking is very important like you are going any were other person looking your face. First impression your face .
In your edge time to time you are coming in young edge your hormones are changing and this reason on your face pimples are coming on face then your face looking bad. Many different types of pimple are create like some pimple are very painful hart. So today I tell you how to remove pimples easly
5 ways to remove pimples on your face :
In this way I tell you best 10 ways how to remove pimples easly and control coming pimples .
.1 Apply Green Tea to the Skin
How to apply green tea on face:
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How to remove pimples |
In your edge time to time you are coming in young edge your hormones are changing and this reason on your face pimples are coming on face then your face looking bad. Many different types of pimple are create like some pimple are very painful hart. So today I tell you how to remove pimples easly
5 ways to remove pimples on your face :
In this way I tell you best 10 ways how to remove pimples easly and control coming pimples .
.1 Apply Green Tea to the Skin
- When green tea are drink lots of people in the morning and evening it's Very good for skin
- but it can also be helpful when applied directly to the skin.
- When you are directly applied on face it's more effective and easly remove pimples and shine your face.
- Green tea are help to fight dust particles through out in face skin and protect your face.
- Green tea in more antibodies partical for help face clean .
- When you are use green tea your face clean and clear looking your face beautiful and shine.
How to apply green tea on face:
- First of all you take a Steep green tea in boiling water for 3–4 minutes.
- Green tea rest Allow the tea to cool .
- Apply it to your face with a cotton ball or spritz it on using a spray bottle.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes or overnight, and then rinse your face with water.
- Apply 1–2 times per day, as needed. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
- Aloe vera is a plant that is applied on face it's very useful your because in this planet more protein and calcium are present
- Aloe vera is a good for face and healthy for skin. this planet are helping to clean and clear your face .
- When you are use Aloe vera jell on your face .
- I recommend you are use Aloe vera plant because it's more effective then cosmatco rediment Aloe Vera jell .
- When you are use real and fresh Aloe vera plants are more effective and any skin disease remove on your face
- Aloe Vera are use on face easly remove pimples on your face
How to use Aloe vera on face
- You take a Aloe Vera plants.
- And though out the Aloe Vera cover.
- And Aloe vera apply on face .
- Slowly slowly apply Aloe Vera on face .
- One thing remember that after Aloe Vera apply on face you do not go in the sun light. Because opposite reaction on face
- So I recommend you are applying Aloe at night ever day before sleeping.
.3 Do not use cosmetic products on face
- You are do not use any cosmetic products on face .
- Because some products are harm full your face.
- Because in the market wrong dublicat product sell you and it's opposite reaction on your face .
- When you are use product so check carefully expire date and ingredients name it's very important company brands name also
- I recommend for you do not use any cosmetic products it's harm your face
- When you know that ensient people time not available this type of product we all people are use home made medicines and apply on face.
- Do not use product.
- Only use home made tips.
- Cosmetic products are increase pimples
.4 drinking more water
- Water is a best medicine for health water are helping to all problem solution .
- Water are help for drinking more water it's a very important for skin.
- When you drink a more water in your face so good looking and shine glowing face.
- Your face is a looking beautiful and red shine on your face
- Water is a best an best for your skin and remove pimples
- You are drinking a more water 10-15 glass of water in a day .
- Water are good for skin.
- And solve all skin disease problem.
- And you are evrye 2-3 hours washing your face .
- When you are washed your face your face healthy and fresh.
- Water are easly remove pimples
More information anabo water lick this link
.5 use Rose water every night .
- Rose water is a good for skin when you are ever night clean your face with rose water.
- Rose water is a healthy for skin
- Rose water is best for skin.
- When .you are use Rose water on face your face are looking shine and clean
- And all dust particles are removed on your face and need and clean looking your face .
- You are applying rose water at night it's very good for face clean .
- Rose water are help to easily remove pimples
How to use Rose water
- You take a rose water
- And with small peace of cotton .
- Take a cotton and dip in rose water and then apply on your face.
- After sometime you looking your cotton is showing black. Like some all dust particles are through out in your face .
So are use all tips are care your face and eat good food for skin and do not use any cosmetic products you are eat good food for make healthy fruits.
- Apple
- Orange
- Banana
- Dry fruits
- Drinking more water
- Milk
- Rose water
- Green tea
- Black tea
- Green vegetables. Etc are all good food take make your skin is good looking . And you are follow this tips easly remove pimples on your face.
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