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what happen to your brain and health when you masturbate

Masturbation : 

Hello friends welcome to health tips so I comeing a very interesting topics like this topic his people like do masturbation. Somebody is think in mind masturbation is good but totally wrong . 
You are save in your mind big myths about masturbation. Friends you know that masturbation is totally unsave so todays I tell us about masturbation today after you read this article you are Chang your mind Today I prove you about masturbation.
what happen to your brain and health when you masturbate 

what happen to your brain  when you masturbate
What happens when you do masturbation

Myths about masturbation

When you do Masturbation what happens you know that masturbate is a collection of 10 drops of blood are convert one drop of sperm. 99.9% people are adict of masturbation why.
Why do this because this is totally wrong addiction of masturbation.
Some people are in mind save masturbation is good and releaf your body and realf stress but you know that this do masturbation is wrong. When you do a masturbation many problems are face in your old edge. This problem not face this time but after sometime as well as you are coming old edge you are suffering a big problem Like you are suffering like that

  • Bons pain
  • Hair fall
  • Low brain power
  • You do not work in near old edge
  • Your eyes is damage
  • When before marriage your sexual Power is low
  • Your stemina power is low 
  • You are lost sperm count
  • You are not enjoy your marriage life
  • Pian in your backbones
  • Distroy your kidney.
So this types of problem you are face in you 40 to 50 edges.

Many people are things in mind masturbation is good for health
And you are search in YouTube and search engine  masturbation is good or bad but I tell you in internet world are make you mad because in internet mostly give you wrong  advice because in social media people are earning money post the fake video and article and some people are attracted and do Masturbating why you are do this you must advise doctor and your elder . It's totally bad habits this do Masturbating. 

Masturbation are created many problems in your body. So do not do masturbation .
Many results in finding out masturbation is wrong. I know masturbation is naturally but you do not masturbation yourself. Because this is do automatically throughout in your body .

You know that when you do masturbation in your body are feel weak ness sometime.
Because when you are not do masturbation . In your body sperm are increas power and strong your bones .
When you do masturbation every day weak your bons and brain low power it's totally bad habits .

  • This are homeopath medical are say that do not do masturbation. 
  • In islam say masturbation do  is haram.
  • Allah give you panishment when you  do masturbation.

Sidefect of adict masturbation

When some you do any and do study your are full adict of masturbation because you are watching a porn videos and every time Dirty think in your mind do masturbation, do masturbation every time things in your mind so so masturbation is a adict is very harmful your brain
You do not concentration any work so masturbation addiction is not not for health because you are adict this bad habit you do a crim.
 You are addiction of masturbation when lost of every thing. You do not masturbation.
You are feeling like after do masturbation you think in your mind why I am do masturbation .and your feel stress so that sit when work do bad feeling his work is not good . Your health

What happens in your brain when  do masturbation.

When you do masturbation in your brain is very harmful effects like low concentrations power and do not think anything. You are only one thing in your mind do masturbation.

When you do masturbation in your brain thinking power is low .
You do masturbation in your brain remember power is damage and you do not good thing in your mind .

And you are do masturbation every time in your brain is lost .you are lost you brain thinking and lost brain power. Some time more painful hadeac so you do not masturbation.

 What happens after marriage.

After marriage your sexual life fully distroy
You do not enjoy your sexual life because you are already enjoying with masturbation it's a very danger suffering your life . And some time you have no child and you are suffering a big problem you are spending a life without children .

 When you think in your mind ( kash me us time samhal jata to aaj mare life ek good life hote ) this type of thing in your mind. At a time . So you do not masturbation.

in this edge because I well see in this generation smell smell children are adict af masturbation. It's totally bad habits and distroy your life.

What happens your health do masturbation

When you do masturbation more sidefect in your body and you are face many problems.
  • You do masturbation your penis is not good work.
  • Your marriage life distoy
  • You are lost your brain power.
  • Pain in your bons
  • Many disease you are face .
  • You do every day do masturbation your face looking like 40-50 edge .
  • Your old edge near coming fast when do masturbation.
  • Hair fall problem
  • Eyes problem 
  • Sidefect your eyes Low 
  • Lost brain concentration power
  • Lost your hair
  • Lost your sexual Power
  • Lost sexual stamina
  • Damage kidney
  • Damage what happen to your brain and health when you masturbate  backbones
  • When do masturbation face skin disease
  • Your face looking very edged
  • When you do masturbation your lifeline is decreased.
  • You do 5 to 10 Time masturbation in a day your death is coming fast.

So friends I hope you like this article and gain your knowledge I Big request for you do not masturbation because it's totally bad habits and harmful your health

You think do masturbation 
One way to do masturbation or this way is totally save and do any time and do as you wish time you do marriage and you enjoyed your sexual life and best ways to do masturbation only this is a right way do masturbation . Only no another way to do masturbation .

I hope you like this article and next article are coming soon .
How to stop and control masturbation .


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