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Do not eat food without hand washing- health routine tips

Do not eat food without hand washing: 

What happens when do not eat food without hand washing
 do not eat food without hand washing

Hello friends welcome to your health routine tips today I coming very important topic. Do not eat food without hand washing.
Somebady have no idea what happens when you do not hand wash but it's not a somebady this topic this topic are all of you you you are ever time take phone and in phone are present more becteria and you get a eat food without hand wash. So you are carefully you first of all hand wash and after you can eat food.

In your daily life your hand are suffering more bad habits and some dirty places touch your hand and you do not remember this is bad for health and many jams are entering in your body and illness feel and you go on hospital so any time and some you are do hand wash is very compelsery .

Without hand washing many bacteria and jams are kills your healthy life and you are immediately ills it's a very important must you are do hand wash first of all.

You are evrye time touch a bad object like bus traveling, auto traveling and car traveling so many different types of diry object you are touch in your life and face many problems you have no any idea .

Cleaning are very important for your health and make a good habits. You must do hand wash you are make this habit . like some time you are hand shake with your friends ya any body so this time transfer jams your friends to friends so you are carefully and care your hand .

After sometime you must washing your hands it's make your body healthy and fit life.

Hand wash is the very important part in your life you are properly hand wash with your soap or liquid sops .

I recommend you must use liquid soap because it's saved and untouched soap so you must be washing your hands and after sometime you can eat food.

Many jams are present in your hand and your remember that many object are touching many people and thus reason are transferred jams one people to another people . So you are must be hand wash and properly and need and clean.

When after washing your hand you do not clean with taval because many families member are clean hand with same taval so you can take a personally taval .

Other wise it's not compelsaco to clean your hand with taval . You try to not clean hand any taval you must remember that in your mind and you make  A happy life .

Many problems are created in your body like ill Ness feel and flu and cold and skin disease problem and nose cold and etc many problems you are face in your life without hand washing.

So take care your health and you remember that do not eat food without hand washing
Many jams are present in your hand and your remember that many object are touching many people and thus reason are transferred jams one people to another people . So you are must be hand wash and properly and need and clean.

Hand washing are very very important before eating food so you are carefully with your health and safety.

When you are make a habit for hand washing more problems are solved like illness and becteria do not enter in your stomach .

If you don't hand washing when present jams in your hand enter in your stomach and this reason you get a fiver and illness feel and many disease are face you so you are properly hand washing and then after eating for make good health.

I think you should like this what happens when you don't hand washing so please take care and hand washing know.


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