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Health care tips for health - health routine tips

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Health care tips for health
Health care tips

Hello friends welcome to your health routine tips today i tell you about  how to keep health care your body and fit your body .

Friends make a good health care how to keep and what happens to make my body healthy and fit so today I tell you very interesting facts and tips I give you it's is a very easy and more benefits for health.

  • Health is the very important part in we live without good health we humans life are not do work easly .

  • Health is the best for your body and keep maintain your digestive system to improve your many problems.

  • When your digestive system are maintained good keep healthy then all disease are not entered in your body and you feel good 

  • Health care make you good diet and good exercise when maintain your good digestive system.

  • Morning work is the best for health and good your bones and legs joints it's a very good habits morning exercise.

  • Morning exercise is make your bones are strong and healthy to fit in old edge .

  • Morning exercise and Breathing fresh air is good for your lungs to keep your healthy fresh mind.

  • You are eat good food like omega 3 fatty acids and which food in presenting more fiber and protein to make your healthy body .

  • Do not eat junk food fry food and oily food it's a totally bad for health and illness problem face you are so when you are went to make your healthy and fresh mind so don't eat junk food.

  • And do exercise is the good for health and make your strong your bones and keep fresh mind.

  • And you are eat a which food present in more fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium. So this type of food you are eat very need.

  • And make do not eat again cooked food because this is bad for health and damage your lungs and bad your digestive system.

  • And do not eat over cooked food so you are keep maintain your digestive system and don't eat over cooked food.

  • And every day you are bathing and clean your self and keep clean and maintain your self and clean all unwanted hair parts.

  • Because this air part are looking bad for health and very bad for health.

Health is make your looking rich and smart so you are maintained your self and keep take a good diet and exercise every day to maintain your health and good looking your body and increase your muscles.

When you go gym so take a good diet and maintain your body and but carefully maintain your health life .

And you are do not waste your money in junk good because this type of food do not keep healthy your body so you are always eat good food and drink juice it's a good for health it's a all good food are maintained your healthy life and keep good health so you are maintained your health and keep maintain hair.

When you are eating good food then never hairfall problem you are face in your life 
Maximum time you are looking most of the people are hair lost fast in young edge so this reason your hairfall eating junk food and eats bad food every
  • Coldring
  •  Burgers
  • Pizza
  • Nuddles  
  •  Oily food and etc are more bad food are available in the market and untidy and high jinek food .
So you keep long distance this type of food and maintain your health digestive systems. 


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