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Top 4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma - Health routine tips

Top 4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma 

Top 10 naturally home remedies for asthma
Top 10 naturally home remedies for asthma

Hello friends welcome to your health routine tips today I coming asthma patients for this topic which 10 natural remedies for asthma
In this disease are critical to breathing problems like pollution and dust particles are entering then this pasenpas are breathing problems it's very critical condition.
Asthma cause difficulty in is when there is an observation in the flow of air in the lungs . And face critical condition breathing problems like pollution,infec infe,weath conditions, respiratory,food and etc . 
Are this type of problems are created to difficult for breathing.

So today in tell you which best naturally home remedies for improving your asthma patients health .

4 natural home remedies for asthma control and improve

1. Figs

Figs is a best food for asthma patients because in this more healthy protein are available for improve Astha and control difficulty breathing problems

How to take this 
  • Take Baul and fill in water 
  • And take a some figs 
  • Figs are dip in water in Baul 
  • And rest at full night.
  • This process are do at night only and rest in night 
  • And getup early in the morning and drink figs water and eat figs .
This process are do every day something 2 months one time to coming improve your Asthma and improve breathing problems to solve easly.

2. Ginger

Ginger are the best for improving Astha .ginger are give the multiple benefits for your health and body, ginger are the superfood it is a very effective against asthma prepare potion with equal of ginger, honey and pomegranate- consume it 2-3 time in a day when you are .

  • You take a ginger
  • Honey
  • Pomegranate this are take in a days 
As well as some time your asthma are controll and improve to easly breathing . 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are very useful for Astha patients it's a very effective and benefits for take omega 3 in asthma so you are consumed a omega 3 fatty acids it's a good for make healthy asthma patients.
Many food you are get omega 3 fatty acids

  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Figs
  • Liver cord oil 
  • Soya bean and etc.
And many food are present omega 3 fatty acids when you are take a omega 3 capsule this are available in the medical stores easly.

4.mustard oil

Mustard oil is a very useful for health and effective and benefits for health it's a very effective in Astha and improve easly breathing asthma patients.
How to use

  • Drip a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl of boiling water and take it stream. 
  • This is helpful in opening up any nasal blockages to facilitate easy breathing.
Mustard oil is beneficial for asthma improve easly.

What condition suffering asthma patients

So  this all are helping to improve your difficulty breathing problems and this all tips. Are good for asthma to improve.
 You are take care this type of pasients are more care yourself like when you go out form Home in the market you cover your

face and protect yourself pollution and dust because pollution and dust in asthma patients are not survive very critical condition are created and more difficulty to breathing and very very dangerous of asthma patients and so this types of

pasients are handled asthma pump it's help to easily breathing immediately and after sometime relex and sometimes normally

What types of diet follow for asthma patients

  • Asthma patients are more care yourself and one important family members with .
  • This type of patients are not drink cold water .
  • And do not eat ice cream and coldring.
  • And do not eat curd and etc this typs of food are not allowed to get asthma patients so you just carefully take care your and follow this some tips and tricks so you are make a healthy lifestyle .

But you don't wary after some time when you are treated yourself good and take a control all bad habit and time' to time advice to doctor and follow this tips after sometime you are Narmally and you have not asthma again and you are feel good and you are before asthma life life are injoy again so you are take care.

Time to time advice for doctor and I am recommending for all Asthma patients you 
Best treatment this diseases are available in homeopath it's a best medical life to easily recover asthma this medicine are work 

slow but this homeopath medicine are finished this disease permanently distroy this disease so I advice for you take a medicine for homeopath but take good doctor and continue eat homeopath medicine.

You take wveve time this asthma pump in the pocket this a very important for asthma patients and take care every time in the bag or pocket because any time you are need this asthma pump .


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