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What are the bad effects of eating overcooked food ?

Bad effects of eating overcooked food ?

What are the bad effects of eating overcooked food ?
 the bad effects of eating overcooked food ?

Hello friends welcome to our health routine tips. Today I discussed about DO NOT EAT OVER COOKING FOOD.
When you are eat over cooked food .more harmful effects suffering your body. This is bad habit and very different types of disease are created in your body .

Some people are have bad habits  of eating overcooked food when you are overcooked food all protein and minerals and all present vitamins are distroy then you are gain and gain overcooked food . Overcooked food are created many disease and harmful effects.

When you eat overcooked food then .Your bons are week and lost all calcium and protein . So it's never eat overcooked food
When you are eat overcooked food in which food kill protein and kill vitamins.
After overcooked food do not have any benefits of eating food . Because all protein and vitamins are distroy.

Overcooked tea

Some time when you are drinking tea you are overcooked tea again and again overcooked tea it's a very harmful like when you are long time overcooked tea are convert in to a poison it's a very bad for health this overcooked tea are make tezab in your body it's a very bad effect in your body.

So many effects and more harmful effects create in your body so you try to do not overcooked food it's a totally bad for health and create tezab in your body.

Tips for bad effect of eating overcooked food

  • Many bad effect eating overcooked food
  • When you are overcooked food in which distroy all nutrition and more protein.
  • When you are eat overcooked food week your bones.
  • Do not eat overcooked bread and food.
  • Do not drink overcooked tea .
  • In your body created many dises problem
  • Your heat week .
  • Week your calcium in your bones
  • High blood pressure problem face 
  • Created skin problems 
  • When you are eat overcooked food then distroy all calcium , vitamins , minerals , protein and all fiber are lost and kills in your body.
  • Hairfall problem face 
  • Digestion system are lost 
  • Your stomach are not work properly and many disease are created in your body.

When you are overcooked food some nutrition, particularly water - soluble vitamins are lost during the cooking process raw fruits and vegetables may contain more nutrition like vitamins C and B vitamins 

Then we know that cooking food effectively kills bacteria that may cause food - born illness.this applies especially to meat eggs and dairy but do not eat overcooked food because overcooked food it's not good for your health and bad effect your health so you are care and do not eat overcooked food .

What effect your bones 

Many bad effect of eating when you are eat overcooked food it's a totally weeks your bons and pain in your joints and it's a very harmful and lost more vitamins and nutrients in your bones and kills calcium in your bones it's a a not good for health and face many problems realatr to your bones.

You are controll many bad habits to eat overcooked food and fry and oily food this all types of food are distroy bones calcium and magnesium and many disease are created to bones related. 

You are eat a only healthy food and only food food norma do not over cooked food it's a many problems created are in your body and many disease are created so you are care next time to be careful to maintain your diet food so please if you are went to maintain and good healthy body please eat a good food and healthy life style you are carefully.
Overcooked food are more dangours for health and bad for health and increase joint pain. And lost calcium in your bones.

You know that what harmful effect and dangerous for health. Health experts have warned that overcooking foods such as toast, roast potatoes, vegetables and chips can lead to cancer
 Scientifically prove that food standards agency says that starchy foods cooked at High temperature for too long .

So all people are requested to do not eat overcooked food and you are try to care your health and take a good diet and do exercise and make a healthy life we are went to enjoy Healthy life you make long distance for fry , oily food and overcooked food also .when you are overcooked food eat it's a more harmful and dangerous food for health.

One thing remember that when some time you are take a old food like night food or past time food do not re again cooked food
When you are recooking foot it's a very dangerous and harmful your body especially do not cooked again rice .
Rice are very harmful for hart like cancer so please do not eat re cooking food it's totally harmful and dangerous your health.
So take care your health


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