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11 Impressive Health Benefits of Onions

Benefits of onions :-

Hello friends welcome to your health routine tips today I coming very interesting and benefits topic for you and very important. Today topic is about benefits of eating onions.

Well every day in your home food and onions are mixing in your food . Commonly it's a regular food are use every home to make food like any time we are use onions to make food . And sometimes you are make onions salad it's a very testy salad make and you eat salad with dinner and lunch etc.
And onions is very important food in your life .

Onions is a very effective and benificial food for your health onions are more problems are solved and you are mostly buse in salad so.

Onions in present more natural substances to help your body maintain and hair this are protected your body .

Onions is the best medicine for your health like we are use onions many different types of disease and problems to solve immediately.

Like you are on your hair scalp when you are use on hair it's a benefit and effective make your hair .

So let's discuss about who much types of problems are solved and what effect food your body .and what magical happens when you are eat onions daily and what Benefits for health.

Onions are the most important food we are this food are use daily in your home like when you are make a veg and non veg food onions are compelsery to use in your daily food you know that onions is the magical food and we are use onions sometimes like salad and good effective food your body .

When you are chopped the onions and mix in food so more test are increased in your food and so dilicias food when onions are eating so testy then is are more effective and benificial for your health.

Onions are present more

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamins B6
  • Ariebo flemin 
  • Vitamins C
This type of substance are present and it's a very good for health.

Some people are not eat onions because who's are not understood about onions benefits.

Many benefits of onions so let's start steps by Steps which disease in onions more Benefits are

1. Joints pain and bones

Onions are more beneficial for joint and bones pain causes in this condition more pain and you not work properly many danger pain in your joint and bones you are more money wast in your joints pain and never results face and not improve joints pains so 

You are use onions . Onions are more benefits for your joints pain remove permanently.

How to use onions 
  • Take a sarso oil .
  • And chopped some onions and take out onions juice 
  • And onions juice are mixed in sarso oil 
When you are all process are ready then you are applying this which area pain in your bones and joints .

You are used 30 days after you are relaxed and some good better better feel then .

So onions are very benificial for your health and remove old pian joints 

So today you are start to eat onions it's a more benefits your body.

2. Hair fall problem solve

When you are suffering hair fall circumstances and you are lot of money wast on your hair fall problem and you are not take a good results don't warry we are use onions . Onions is more benefits for your hair fall condutcon .

How to use 

  • You are use onions on hair fall area .
  • You are take out onions juice and apply on your scalp empty hair area .
  • When you are use empty shape on your hair after sometime coming hair on your had and 
  • Stop the hair fall problem
  • And take a onions juice and massage on your scalp .
  • It's a very important and beneficial for your hair and never face hair fall problem .

So you are today is starting eat onions salad and mix in food onions is the best and very good for you hairfall problem.

And when your hair are white so in this condition onions are help to again black colour onions are help to black your hair colour . You are use onions juice on your hair and apply on your scalp after sometime time your hair are automatically before hair black .

3. Clean kidney 

Onions are more benefits to clean your kidney onions is the best food for health to clean you kidney stones .
How to take this 

  • Every morning empty stomach you are eat half onions juice .
  • It's a more benefits for your health and clean your kidney stones.
  • When you are eat onions in the morning 
  • This onions are clean stones in your kidney and urin through out kidney stones .
  • And sometimes you are relax and some feel good and improve your kidney stones.
So onions are the best food for your health ans benificial .

Onions are make your heart strong and healthy in onions are more natural health substance are present.

4. Filters your blood

Onions are very good for health and when you are eat onions are filter your blood and make improve blood and make a healthy blood impurities your old blood and clean your blood and maintain your blood and all blood disease are distroy in your body and onions are work like antivirus to kill all blood problem and improve your blood and clean

In blood are peprese Phosphorus acids to help improve blood purifier and clean your
Blood and healthy.

Some you are use take a onions juice and apply on your lags before sleeping and this onions juice are absorb your lage skin and improve your blood.

5. Good digestive system

Onions are more benefits for improving your digestive system onions are very effective part in your life when you are eat a onions then make your good digestive system and improve and good food digestive .

And onions are make your digestive system are healthy and strong your digestion so onions are more benefits for your health and effective your body so today you will start to eat onions any type has you wish but you are eating start onions today.

6. Control colestrol 

Onions are helping to improve colestrol and protect hart disease onions is more effective and benefits to improve colestrol you are try to never attack colestrol in your hart .

Onions are helping to heartattack coming and protect colestrol and maintain your health.

  • Take onions juice and mixed in honey this are improving to control calestrol
So onions is the best for hart diaedis and protect.

7.ear pain.

When some time pain in your ear and very still and painful ear pain so you are take a onions juice and 2-4 drop onions juice are drop in ear 

Then after sometime improve ear pain and immediately improve so use this method 

8.Teath bad smell

Some time in your teeth more pain and  cavities , bad smell , yellow teeth, and jums in your teeth so you are eat onions .

Onions are more benificial for your mouth and onions are removed bad breathing mouth smell and good and kills all  jums in your mouth you will start eat onions today's .

9. Sugar 

Onions are helping to improve sugary pasients. Onions are more benificial for sugar pasients and improve your sugar and maintain your sugar so you are eat onions 

10. Protect cancer

Onions are protected cancer disease and protect all cancer disease so you are eat onions it's a very effective food cancer patients and more important in your body .

And onions are not created cancer disease when you are eat onions Every day .

11. Children brain memories.

Some cases children are not eat onions in little age and this is scientific proof which children are not eat onions whoes memory are week and not increase concentration power .

So you must be eat onions your child and it's more benificial for your brain and increase memories Power .

So friends we are read that what types of benefits and healthy for onions in your life onions is the best medicine for God gifted .
So you w


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