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Corona virus in chin | Health routine tips

Corona virus in chin

कोरोना वायरस, वायरस का बहुत नया घातक रूप, चीन पीड़ित है, तुरंत भारत आ सकता है, किसी भी प्रकार के कोल्ड ड्रिंक, आइस क्रीम, कुल्फी, आदि, किसी भी प्रकार के संरक्षित खाद्य पदार्थ, मिल्कशेक, खुरदरी बर्फ, आइस कोला, दूध की मिठाई से बचें।  आज से 90 दिनों के लिए कम से कम 48 घंटे पुराने।

About corona virus 

This virus is very dangerous and harmful please keep
 care your self and maintain your health . Take care this virus are not good in China many people are suffering critical this virus so please save your life . 

Tips for  protect this corona virus

  1. keep distance junk food
  2. do not drink cold drink
  3. not eat ice cream
  4. not eat any types of dirty food 
  5. do not eat any types of junk food
  6. do not drink milk shack 
  7. do not eat any types of  refractive ice
  8. do not eat ice cold drink
  9. do not eat any sweats
  10. do not eat any types milk sweats 
Corona virus in chin

Corona virus in chin

What Is a Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, but we don't know where they come from. They get their name from their crown-like shape. Sometimes, but not often, a coronavirus can infect both animals and humans.
Most coronaviruses spread the same way other cold-causing viruses do: through infected people coughing and sneezing, by touching an infected person's hands or face, or by touching things such as doorknobs that infected people have touched.
Almost everyone gets a coronavirus infection at least once in their life, most likely as a young child. In the United States, coronaviruses are more common in the fall and winter, but anyone can come down with a coronavirus infection at any time.

Common Symptoms of Coronavirus

The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won't know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus, such as rhinovirus.
and you drink a black tea and its a more useful in this virus


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