Improve digestion naturally :
Hello friends welcome to health routine tips today I coming very interesting topic and useful for you today topic is how to improve digestion system naturally.
It's a very important topic because digestive system are more important and when you are digestive system are good then you are free to all disease and take digestion maintain is very important for your health many problems are create in our body . Many people are face this digestion problem.
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Thia types af all questions are search on internet so today I full explain about how to improve digestion system naturally.
Many problems are face about digestive system.
Today I have a solution.
First of all I discussed what happens and reason your digestion are not good and sometimes pain in your stomach.
What happens your digestive system is not working properly.?
When many ways to create this problem . when you are eating every time junk food, and you are not eating food time table, you like nudals and bugger and pizza and momos this types of food are damage your digestive system.
Some time when you are doing work in the office sitting always that's reason your digestive system are not good and during sitting on the chair 8 hours continue make gas in your stomach.
Many disease are created in your body when you do not maintain your digestive system.
You are properly eating food at one time full stomach. You do not eat every minutes.
You are take a good diet when your diet is not good this reason your digestive system is not good .
Today I give a best 5 way tips to improve your digestive system naturally.
Thia types af all questions are search on internet so today I full explain about how to improve digestion system naturally.
Many problems are face about digestive system.
Today I have a solution.
First of all I discussed what happens and reason your digestion are not good and sometimes pain in your stomach.
What happens your digestive system is not working properly.?
When many ways to create this problem . when you are eating every time junk food, and you are not eating food time table, you like nudals and bugger and pizza and momos this types of food are damage your digestive system.
Some time when you are doing work in the office sitting always that's reason your digestive system are not good and during sitting on the chair 8 hours continue make gas in your stomach.
Many disease are created in your body when you do not maintain your digestive system.
You are properly eating food at one time full stomach. You do not eat every minutes.
You are take a good diet when your diet is not good this reason your digestive system is not good .
Today I give a best 5 way tips to improve your digestive system naturally.
5 ways to improve your digestive system naturally :-
.1Get Plenty of Fiber :
It's a common knowledge that fiber are more benificial for good digestion.
A high fiber diet promotes regular bowel movements and may protect against many digestive disorders.three common types of fiber are soluble and insoluble fiber as well as prebiotics .
Fiber are help to improve digestion system and easly digest food . When you are consumed a food in which present more fiber to be a help good digestion and make a healthy stomach.
You are add fiber in your diet . Diet is a very important roll in good digestion.
What food you eat in which present fiber like soluble fibre is found in oats bran, legumes, nuts, and seeds and you are added in your diet while vegetables, whole grains and wheat bran are good sources of insoluble fibre. It's all are good for digestion and make your digestion improve naturally.
.2 Eat Mindfully :
When are eat mindfully almost every body are adict TV and mobile phone so please putt the mobile phone and TV other side and full concentration on eating .
Eating slowly and mindfully and paying attention to every aspect of your food and you are eating a slow chew and carefully when you eat fast fast some big bit are go in stomach then your lungs some problems to digestion big bit of food .
So you are eat small bit and slowly slowly eat .
- And when you eat hot temperature food it's harmful your stomach this reason one your digestion is not good.
- Eating food slowly .
- Not eat hot temperature food .
- When some time cool your food and after that you eat food.
- Eat small bit do not take a big bits.
- Eat a healthy food for good digestion improve naturally.
- And chew your food .
When you are chew food properly then digestion is good and easly digest .
Slowly slowly chew food is very important for your digestion.
Good diet good digestion naturally
.3 regular exercise :
Regular exercise are also improve your digestion system it's a good for stomach.
When you do exercise regularly improve your digestion and reduce symptoms of constipation.
It's can also help reduce information, which may be beneficial in preventing inflammatory bowel conditions.
Most of time do stomach exercise as well as some time improve your digestion naturally.
But you are do exercise right way when you do exercise wrong ways many sidefect of in your stomach.
You are take Gym Gideon's are helping to you stomach exercise.
So exercise regularly very important for health and easly improve your digestion system.
Exercise are do earlier in the morning it's more benefits your improve digestion system naturally.
.4do not rest after dinner
Some are not awera this tips when you are eating a good immediately go from bad for the sleeping.
It's a totally bad for health and some time after eating you go to watching TV .
This are bad habits for health and your digestion .
When you are eat a food at night dinner you go a work in the garden like every day after eating dinner you work in the garden 150-250 steps after coming in home and sleep know .
This is a right ways of sleeping in the night
One thing most you are every night you drink a water to improve your digestion system naturally
So working is good for health after eating when you went to improve your digestion system naturally so follow this tips know .
.5 Ditch Bad Habits :
You know that we have a some bad habits like smoking, alcohol, and late eating habits and not follow good diet .
Smoking : you do not smoking because you are smoking more cigarettes it's harm your health and your damage your digestive system.
Alcohol : alcohol are also very bad habit and bad for health it's totally alcohol kill yourself.
About smoking cigarette harmful more knowledge click this link
About smoking cigarette harmful more knowledge click this link
Eating late : eating late habits is very bad for health you make your time table eating food
Many reasons are your digestive are not good so when you improve your digestion system so careful followings this tips and improve your digestion system naturally.
Some tips of improve digestion system naturally
- You take a good diet
- You do not eat late food at night
- Do exercise properly
- Chew food properly.
- When you go eating before hand wash.
This all tips you are following properly it's a good for health and make your good improve digestion system naturally.
Most important you do exercise regularly to fast improve your digestion system naturally.
And your good health so you take a diet properly and maintain your digestive system
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