Natural Hair care tips
Hello friends welcome to your healthy routine tips today I coming a very important topi .
How to care and healthy hair. Healthy hair is very important in we life hair is make your looking beautiful and attractive hair is a very important part in humans life but sometimes after hair are lost fastly and like hairfall problem face many people so why this are problems face and how to Stop this problem.
Many ways to keep your hair healthy and shine but you are controll some bad habits thensolve your problem and care your hair .
Hair are the very important part of humans life hair are make you attractive and looking smart with hair your life are space .
But in this generation 77% are slowly slowly hair lost because your diet is not good and you do wrong habits like masturbation and stress and eat junk food and to in this generation no give real food to day in
the Market make a fake product and fake food and fruits in mixing chemical and etc are eating food in mixing chemical this reason to hair fall and if you are not use oil in your hair this one reason are most important.
So let's start how to maintain your healthy hair.
You are take a good diet for make healthy hair when you are make a healthy hair you just follow a good diet when your diet are good to make good healthy hair .
when do not take a follow good diet is not make a good hair so friends so just focus on your health without health nathing life is good so you are take a good dietFor example what type of food do you eat compelsary.
- Apple
- Oily voil use on hair
- Orange
- Coconut oil
- Eat coconut
- Banana
- Avala
- Walnut
- Peanut
- All green vegetables
- And all fruits
- Honey
- Papaya
- Grapess
- Karla is very important for health
- Fruits juice
- Green vegetables juice
- Chicken
- Omega 3
- Eggs
- Mutton
- Corn.
when your blood are clean and fresh to make your healthy hair and you just make a good hair and take a healthy diet .
And you must drink more water in a daily 3-4 liter in a day water are help to make you hair good and healthy so you are take a good exercise with good diet.
you are use only natural home made product when you are use home made
ramede its a more benefit for your health when you are went to hair save life time and no hairfall so you are never use radiment product you are use only natural item like.
- milk
- multani mitti
- alovera
before somtime never use this types of product and you are never seen any bady are use to hair product and most import you naver use every day
shampoo so keep care your hair and maintain your hair and you are never eat bad junk food its a more harmefull your hair and damage your hair .
so you are went to care your keep protuct your dust particles .
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